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TheSynapse eNews - 13th May 2017

TheSynapse eNews - 13th May 2017


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Welcome to another edition of TheSynapse eNews.This is a roundup of news published over the last week

TheSynapse - Spread the Word and win !!!  

Please join us for an informal focus group meeting NEXT TUESDAY where we will discuss how TheSynapse can be more relevant to you. Get your ticket from

  • What do you like about TheSynapse?
  • How can TheSynapse services be more useful and relevant to you?
  • Where can the services be improved?
  • We want YOUR opinion!


TheSynapse e-Learning - The MMR Vaccine - the real scientific facts Read more...



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News Round-up

Heart failure patients readmitted to the same hospital may have better outcomes

Heart failure patients readmitted to the same facility spend fewer days in the hospital and are more likely to survive. Read More



tsmag 1701 1
TheSynapse Magazine - Issue 1, 2017

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TheSynapse Survey

As part of TheSynapse commitment to provide highest quality service I appreciate if you would kindly participate in this short questionnaire aimed at members of the medical profession. This should take less than 2 minutes to complete. Thank you for your participation Click here to access the survey

Exclusive invitation for Medical Doctors, Pharmacists, Dentists and students of these Professions


 Network News

WASP 2017  -  WASP courses are 3 day events imparted by highly experienced writers and journal editors. The aim is to instruct delegates in the skills required to maximise their chances of getting published.  How to Write a Scientific Paper course (WASP) for both Malta and London events.  

This year there will be TWO SEPARATE events, one in Malta and one in London  22-24 October 2017 - Venue: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health London  2-4 October 2017 - Venue: Malta Life Sciences Park San Gwann Malta  For more information visit

Enquiries: +356 21453973
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