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A Great opportunity to be there and be seen

A Great opportunity to be there and be seen

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Thursday, 6 June 2024, Issue

A Great opportunity to be there and be seen
 is a trusted premium content provider of web based Continuing Medical Education.


For the past 3 months we have been organising regular Continuing Medical Education Webinars. We are having large audiences with an average of around 150 registrations per webinar.

We will be starting 2021 by organising an online symposium entitled

What Medical Professionals need to know about Covid 19 vaccine(s)

This symposium will be held on Wednesday 6th January 2020 and will start at 20:00 Hrs CET. Registration for this symposium is open on and we have had 30 registrations in just 1 day

The aim if the symposium would be to provide medical professionals with all the necessary information about Covid 19 Vaccines which will be provided by both local and international top experts.

After the presentations, participants will have the opportunity to ask and any concerns with the panel of experts.

Confirmed Speakers to date are:

Professor Charmaine Gauci
Dr Christopher Barbara
Dr Charles Mallia Azzopardi
Dr Keith Sacco from National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA

We will also have presentations from the Malta Medicines Authority, and we are expecting confirmation from another foreign speaker

We anticipate a large audience for this symposium, and we would like to invite your company to be a sponsor for the event.

What will you get if you participate as a sponsor:

We will be having a rotation slide presentation running for 15 minutes before the event and each sponsor can have a slide included in the presentation. Image Size 1920 x 1080 Pixels

IInclusion of Logo in promotional poster and material

Advert in promotional email announcements Size 500 x 150 pixels

How much will it cost?



Sponsor Category




Slides in presentation




Logo in Promotional Material




Advert in promo email




Price in Eur






Interested companies are to inform us by the 29 December 2020 by email The sponsorships are on a First Come Firs accepted basis and a maximum number of 10 sponsors will be accepted


We look forward to your participation



Thank you


 Dr Wilfred Galea



Medical Portals Ltd. |
Enquiries: +356 21453973

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