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International Masterclass in Diabetes - next WEBINARS 24th and 26th November 2021

International Masterclass in Diabetes - next WEBINARS 24th and 26th November 2021
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International Masterclass in Diabetes


1st and 3rd December 2021

As we are about to start the month of December, we are midway through the series of webinars as part of the International Masterclass in Diabetes Management.

In the next three sessions we will be dealing with Complications of Diabetes.

As usual, you will be able to learn from great tutors and you will be able to interact during discussion time.

Do not miss this unique opportunity to register for this week’s webinars:

In this webinar we will be tackling one of the most feared complications of diabetes – the diabetic foot. In the ‘on demand sessions, we have already dealt with the medical aspects. In this webinar we will have presentations from the vascular team at Mater Dei Hospital and we will have a comprehensive overview of the various aspects of care of the diabetic foot

Speakers: Prof Kevin Cassar
Mr Omar Schembri
Dr Jes Attard

This webinar will tackle common and sometimes unrecognised microvascular complications of Diabetes. We first start with a presentation on Diabetic Autonomic Neuropathy and then we will discuss the prevention, early identification and management and focus on How and When to screen for microvascular complications

Dr Neville Azzopardi
Dr David Coppini
Ms Maria Agius


Forthcoming Webinars

7 December 2021

            Less recognised Complications of Diabetes
Registration Link:

10 December 2021

         Community Management of Diabetes
Registration Link:

15 December 2021

         Patient Advocacy
Registration Link:

17 December 2021

        Technology and Patient empowerment
Registration Link:


Please block these dates in your diaries

More details and programmes will be available shortly.

On Demand eLearning Sessions available to date:

 The Masterclass is available Free of Charge for all medical professionals.
 All you need is to get a free membership for by registering on    

NB If you are already a registered member of TheSynapse you do not need to re register for the 'on demand' sessions          

More information is available on


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Enquiries: +356 21453973
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