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TheSynapse eNews - 10th Febuary 2017

TheSynapse eNews - 10th Febuary 2017

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Dear ,

Welcome to another edition of TheSynapse eNews. This is a roundup of news published over the last week 


In this elearning interview, Dr Alexander Borg, Consultant Cardiologist with a special interest in Cardiovascular Imaging, clarifies the standard definition of hypertension, how best to approach a new diagnosis of hypertension and what first-line therapeutic modalities are currently indicated.  Read more...


News Round-up

A new study confirms: pregnant women should avoid liquorice

Liquorice and its natural sweetener, glycyrrhizin, can have long-term harmful effects on the development of the fetus. Read More




TheSynapse Magazine - Issue 4, 2016


Exclusive invitation for Medical Doctors, Pharmacists, Dentists and students of these Professions

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 Network News

Switchover of Schedule II to Schedule V card in case of Diabetic patients


There is a vacancy for a full-time GP at Martins Pharmacy.  If interested, send an e-mail to 




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