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Webinar - Antibiotic prescribing in Maltese ambulatory care: Fact and Fiction

Webinar - Antibiotic prescribing in Maltese ambulatory care: Fact and Fiction

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Friday, 7 June 2024, Issue # 301

Join us for a great Webinar - 23 November 2022

‍ invites you to register and participate in our forthcoming Webinar which will be held on 23 November 2022 entitled Antibiotic prescribing in Maltese ambulatory care: Fact and Fiction 

This education session will be held as part of local World Antibiotic Awareness Week activities and will address issues often raised by family doctors. 

What are the latest antibiotic resistance patterns of important community isolates? What antibiotics should we using to treat them? 

Updates on evolving community resistance data will be presented as well as the latest surveillance results on antibiotic prescribing in the community. This event will undoubtedly be valuable for family doctors to achieve better antibiotic stewardship in their practice and contribute towards addressing the ever increasing global threat of antimicrobial resistance.

 Register TODAY on

Webinar on 30 November 2022

As a follow up of this session we would also like to invite you to a Webinar which complements the on demand session on Management of Dementia

This webinar is part of module on the Management of Dementia which has been launched on

In this webinar you will learn about the management of dementia from a panel of experts composed of Consultant Geriatrician, Neurologist, Psychiatrist and  Dementia Academic and Researcher.

Register today on

The production of this eLearning module is supported by Clonmel Healthcare
The Scientific content is completely independent and not in any way influenced by the sponsors

Malta Leadership Institute

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