About TheSynapse
TheSynapse has been set up in 1996, 18 years in operation
TheSynapse reaches more than 3,000 local medical professionals
TheSynapse spans its media services through print, online services, via the popular social media and now also by means of TheSynapse mobile app
TheSynapse is run by a Medical Professional with years of experience in medicine, marketing and IT
TheSynapse Services
TheSynapse magazine – a bimonthly magazine that is sent to the homes of the local medical professionals free of charge
TheSynapse website – http://www.thesynapse.netkeeps its over 4,000 members (2,800 local members – 70% of whom are Maltese Medical Professionals) abreast with Internal and local news including also important Government updates, news from our Corporate partners and also useful news shared by TheSynapse members.
Online Services
eINFO – TheSynapse sends mail shots on behalf of its clients on the date requested by the client. These may be sent to all users, local users and also filtered to be sent to doctors or pharmacists only.
eNEWS – TheSynapse sends an electronic newsletter to all its members each weekend and this includes all the updates that were published on the website during the past week. It also includes links to any circulated eINFOs.
eQUIZ/eSURVEY – TheSynapse is able to create quizzes on behalf of its clients. This is amply publicised by TheSynapse on all its media to encourage its members to participate. Besides the promotion the client benefits from useful information that is reaped through the eQUIZ/eSURVEY
eLEARNING – TheSynapse has set up an e-learning platform to deliver eLEARNING couses. TheSynapse is currently offering medical e-learning modules in collaboration with the Malta Foundation Programme.
Social Network – TheSynapse is also expanding its social networking mainly through facebook, twitter, linkedin and google+ and this has become very popular
TheSynapse Mobile App – Acknowledging feedback from TheSynapse Members and also the impact and popularity of mobile apps, TheSynapse ensured its presence through its mobile app both on iPhone and also Android.
Enabling you to reach the Medical Professionals Niche Market
TheSynapse can offer you the right means of promotional coverage at your budget!