Keep it pumping Series – Episode 3
This is the third in a six-part series dealing with Heart Failure. The aim of this series is to improve the recognition, diagnosis and management of heart failure.
Keep it pumping Series – Episode 2
This is the second in a six-part series dealing with Heart Failure. The aim of this series is to improve the recognition, diagnosis and management of heart failure.
Keep it pumping Series – Episode 1
This is the first in a six-part series dealing with Heart Failure. The aim of this series is to improve the recognition, diagnosis and management of heart failure.
Log on to TheSynapse eLearning for a deeply insightful presentation on Chronic Venous Insufficiency – how it presents, how it affects the individual, the burden of disease, the role of…
Male Factor Infertility: A case based approach
TheSynapse is introducing its 2nd Session – Male Factor Infertility: A Case based approach.