Can dealing with emotional exhaustion enhance happiness?
New research from the University of East Anglia (UEA) suggests that the process of dealing with emotional exhaustion can sometimes increase happiness.The study examined when and how dealing…
“Bad” air may impact “good” cholesterol increasing heart disease risk
Traffic-related air pollution may increase cardiovascular disease risk by lowering levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), commonly known as “good” cholesterol, according to new research in the American Heart…
Why green spaces are good for grey matter
Walking between busy urban environments and green spaces triggers changes in levels of excitement, engagement and frustration in the brain, a study of older people has found.Researchers at…
Survey finds patients uncertain about how to best manage their cholesterol
People who have high cholesterol may understand they need to manage their condition, but many aren’t sure how to do that, nor do they feel confident they can,…
Avocados May Help Combat the Metabolic Syndrome
A new review investigates the effects of avocados on different components of metabolic syndrome, which is a clustering of risk factors including high blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure,…