Gaining weight between pregnancies boosts diabetes risk
The risk of developing gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) increases with weight gain between pregnancies, according to a Norwegian study.
Does make-up make you feel smarter?
Does wearing make-up affect academic performance? The new study investigates the “Lipstick Effect” among college students.
E-cigarette use may encourage experimentation with tobacco, study finds
Young people who have tried an e-cigarette may be more likely to go on to smoke cigarettes compared with those who have not, a study led by University…
Pneumonia or sepsis in adults associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease
Pneumonia or sepsis in adults that results in hospital admission is associated with a six-fold increased risk of cardiovascular disease in the first year, according to research published…
Quitting statins after stroke may raise risk of another stroke
Stroke patients who stopped taking statin drugs three to six months after a first ischemic stroke, the type caused by narrowed arteries, had a higher risk of a…