New study recommends alternative pain relief for knee replacement patients
A new study led by researchers at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) NHS Trust and the University of Warwick has recommended an alternative method of pain relief…
Autism Severity Detected with Brain Activity Test
UCLA researchers have discovered that children with autism have a tell-tale difference on brain tests compared with other children. Specifically, the researchers found that the lower a child’s…
Could Aggressive Blood Pressure Treatment Lead to Kidney Damage?
Aggressive combination treatments for high blood pressure that are intended to protect the kidneys may actually be damaging the organs, new research from the University of Virginia School…
Tai Chi May Help Prevent Falls in Older and At-Risk Adults
An analysis of published studies indicates that tai chi may help reduce the number of falls in both the older adult population and at-risk adults. The findings, which…
How physical exercise prevents dementia
Numerous studies have shown that physical exercise seems beneficial in the prevention of cognitive impairment and dementia in old age. Now researchers at Goethe University Frankfurt have explored…