How to get adults to eat their vegetables? Study explores potential of spices and herbs use
Researchers at the University of Illinois interested in developing interventions to encourage adults to make better food choices are investigating whether using more spices and herbs, like…
Horsemeat, healthy for human consumption
The UPV/EHU’s Consolidated Research Group Lactiker is conducting a study into the nutritional quality of horsemeat sold at large and small outlets in the autonomous communities (regions)…
Newly prescribed sleeping pills increase risk of hip fracture
Older people newly prescribed sleeping pills like benzodiazepines and ‘Z-drugs’ have over double the odds of a hip fracture in the first two weeks compared with non-users, according…
Symptoms of cystitis probably caused by bacterial infection, even when tests are negative
The majority of women suffering with pain when urinating, or needing to urinate often or urgently probably do have a bacterial infection, even when nothing is detected by…
Energy drinks linked to more heart, blood pressure changes than caffeinated drinks alone
Drinking 32 ounces of a commercially available energy drink resulted in more profound changes in the heart’s electrical activity and blood pressure than drinking 32 ounces of a…