High Profile Facebook Post Provides Insights into Pro- and Anti-Vaccination Beliefs
Language analysis of responses to Mark Zuckerberg post reveals crucial data, reports the journal Vaccine
Parent-led early intervention for autism is the first to show reduction in symptom severity through to ages 7-11
An early intervention for autism aimed at helping parents communicate with their child has been shown to have an effect on reducing the severity of autism symptoms, and…
Study adds to evidence that high strength cannabis is associated with an increased risk of becoming dependent
New data presented at this year’s International Early Psychosis Association (IEPA) meeting in Milan, Italy (20-22 October) adds to accumulating evidence that high-potency cannabis in associated with an…
Do microbes control our mood?
Research on gut bacteria may change the way we look at anxiety, depression, and behavioural disorders
GP referral to weight loss programme is effective, acceptable and takes 30 seconds
Tackling obesity by offering the opportunity to attend a weight loss programme during a routine consultation is effective, welcomed by patients and takes 30 seconds of physicians’ time,…