Pilot study examines the effects of virtual reality on reducing anxiety and improving pregnancy rate of women having fertility treatment
New research presented at this year’s Euroanaesthesia congress in Copenhagen, Denmark, shows that giving women different types of virtual reality (VR) sessions prior to sedation for IVF treatment…
Study shows nail treatments do not affect readings of patients’ oxygen levels, despite widespread concern
New research at this year’s Euroanaesthesia congress in Copenhagen, Denmark, suggests that nail treatments such as acrylic nails or nail polishes do not, as previously thought, affect…
Insomnia is a likely long-term side effect of stroke
Stroke patients experience sustained problems with insomnia potentially reducing their ability to relearn key skills and putting them at increased risk of depression, a new study in the…
Ban e-cigarette flavourings and misleading adverts to protect youth, says international respiratory group
In a statement published in the European Respiratory Journal, a coalition of respiratory doctors and scientists from six continents have warned of the dangers posed to children and…
Metabolically ‘healthy’ obesity still linked to higher risk of cardiovascular disease
Women who are obese face an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, even if they have maintained good metabolic health for decades