Parental touch may reduce social anxiety in children
Parental touch reduces children’s attention to social threat and increases trust, particularly in socially anxious children. As a result, parental touch may reduce children’s social anxiety. These are…
Surgery involving ultrasound energy found to treat high blood pressure
An operation that targets the nerves connected to the kidney has been found to significantly reduce blood pressure in patients with hypertension, according to the results of a…
Tomato sauce helps boost probiotic food benefits
The demand for functional foods is increasing in recent years. Consumers request more food that, as well as a high nutritional value, has a beneficial effect on their…
Exercise to stay young: 4-5 days a week to slow down your heart’s ageing
Participating in exercise 4-5 days per week is necessary to keep your heart young, according to new research published in The Journal of Physiology. These findings could be…
Chronic heart failure: patients show individual therapy response to ACE inhibitor treatment
A cross-sectional study conducted at MedUni Vienna including patients with chronic systolic heart failure has demonstrated great variations in patients’ individual therapy response to ACE inhibitors, the first-line…