Just How Effective Is Mandatory Breath Testing at Stopping Drunk Driving?
The introduction of mandatory breath testing of commercial truck drivers in Japan has not had a significant effect on the number of alcohol-related crashes involving these drivers
Air pollution may spur irregular heart rhythms in healthy teens
A first-of-its-kind study examining the impact of air pollution on healthy teenagers found that air pollution may trigger an irregular heart rhythm within two hours after exposure. Reducing…
Study finds higher complication rate after heart attack in people with autoimmune disease
After a heart attack, people with an autoimmune disease were more likely to die, develop heart failure or have a second heart attack compared to people without an…
Walk then sit: A scientific recipe that helps babies stop crying
New research published in Current Biology on September 13 demonstrates the importance of carrying crying infants rather than simply holding them.
Replacing social media use by physical activity
If you spend 30 minutes less on social media every day and engage in physical activity instead, you do a lot to improve your mental health.
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