Consumption of extra virgin olive oil during pregnancy increases the level of antioxidants in breast milk and in infants
The consumption of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) —a product with widely known benefits for our health— increases the level of phenolic compounds in breast milk and can…
Early food introduction can prevent food allergies in children
Letting your baby taste foods that contain peanuts, eggs, milk and wheat from the age of three months can reduce the risk of allergies in children.
Mask wearing amplifies harms of smoking
Smoking traditional or non-combustible cigarettes while wearing a surgical mask results in a two-fold rise in exhaled carbon monoxide and impaired blood vessel function compared to non-mask periods….
How the coronavirus attacks the heart
The coronavirus Sars-Cov-2 can cause severe organ damage in humans. Heart complications are one of the possible consequences of an infection. In addition, the virus also attacks the…
Testing embryos for genetic conditions – Who is eligible and how are decisions made?
Researchers from Osaka University investigate the various approaches to determining which genetic conditions are eligible and which individual cases should be approved for preimplantation genetic testing
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