Replacing fat with high carbohydrate intake may be linked to worse health outcomes, according to study
Reducing total fat intake, and replacing it with a high intake of carbohydrates may be linked to worse health outcomes, according to an international study of diets, published…
Understanding how omega-3 dampens inflammatory reactions
OMEGA-3: Omega-3 fatty acids, which we primarily get through eating fatty fish, have long been thought to be good for our health. Many dietary studies have suggested that…
Young adults, especially men, fall behind in high blood pressure treatment and control
Young adults, particularly men, lag behind middle-aged and older adults in awareness and treatment of high blood pressure, putting this population at an increased risk for heart attack…
Side effect to blood pressure drugs is genetically determined for some patients, study finds
Some patients may have a genetic risk of developing a serious side effect to a type of medication commonly used to treat high blood pressure, research by clinicians…
Quitting statins after stroke may raise risk of another stroke
Stroke patients who stopped taking statin drugs three to six months after a first ischemic stroke, the type caused by narrowed arteries, had a higher risk of a…
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