First Classification of Four Stages of Heart Attack Based on Heart Muscle Damage Is Released
Canadian Cardiovascular Society consensus statement published in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology paves the way for refining treatment and providing individualized care
Children with ADHD frequently use healthcare service before diagnosis, study finds
The research was carried out by Dr Vibhore Prasad and other researchers working at the University of Nottingham and King’s College London, funded by the Academy of Medical…
Resident T cells discovered in lymph nodes
The immune system is fast when it comes to fighting viruses, bacteria and other pathogens. But it also has to know when not to attack – for example,…
Uptake of tuberculosis preventive treatment in Cameroun and Ouganda
The Lancet Global Health journal publishes two important papers, on October 30, showing the effectiveness and health economical impact of community-based intervention for household child contact management. Led…
A relational framework for microbiome research that includes Indigenous communities
Research on the trillions of microorganisms that make up a person’s microbiome can lead to medical breakthroughs to treat diseases like inflammatory bowel syndrome and diabetes.
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