Finger prick on track to become Alzheimer’s test
A quick finger prick and a few drops of blood on a card that can be sent in regular mail. This approach could soon make Alzheimer’s testing much…
Parkinson’s Paradox: When More Dopamine Means More Tremor
Researchers from the Champalimaud Foundation shed light on the puzzling relationship between dopamine and rest tremor in Parkinson’s disease, finding that preserved dopamine in certain brain regions may…
Novel Selenium Carrier Protein Regulates Ferroptosis in Cancer and Brain
Researchers at Helmholtz Munich, in collaboration with colleagues at Tohoku University, have identified a specific redox protein as a critical regulator of ferroptosis – a form of regulated…
Genetic variation enhances cancer drug sensitivity
By exploiting the genetic variation in cancer cells, an already approved cancer drug demonstrated enhanced effects against cancer cells in specific patient groups.
Breaking every hour of sedentary time with 10 mins of light exercise significantly reduced blood pressure
Time spent sedentary beyond six hours per day during growth from childhood through young adulthood may cause an excess increase of 4 mmHg in systolic blood pressure, a…
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