Successful pilot study of time restricted eating weight loss plan
A pilot study of time restricted eating, in which food is consumed only within a daily eight-hour period, has shown that the plan is simple, easy to follow,…
Heart disease #1 cause of death rank likely to be impacted by COVID-19 for years to come
Heart disease remains the leading cause of death worldwide, according to the American Heart Association’s Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics — 2021 Update, published in the journal Circulation,…
Consuming omega-3 fatty acids could prevent asthma
New research suggests that a higher dietary intake of long chain omega-3 fatty acids in childhood may reduce the risk of developing subsequent asthma, but only in children…
Exercise-based cardiac rehab added to stroke recovery improved strength, cardiac endurance
Stroke survivors who completed a cardiac rehabilitation program focused on aerobic exercise, currently not prescribed to stroke survivors, significantly improved their ability to transition from sitting to standing,…
Second generation antibody protects from SARS-CoV-2, its variant and prevents it from mutating to resist therapy
The Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB; Bellinzona, Switzerland), affiliated to the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) developed a second-generation ‘double antibody’ that protects from SARS-CoV-2, the virus…
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