Babies in prams can be exposed to more than twice as much pollution than adults
Babies in prams can be exposed to up to 60 percent more pollution than their parents, causing potential damage to their frontal lobe and impacting on their cognitive…
Measuring the risks of extreme temperatures on public health
Extreme hot and cold weather increase the number of deaths and emergency room visits but affect specific at-risk populations differently, according to new research from the U.S. and…
Rapid pollution increases may be as harmful to the heart as absolute levels
Rapid increases in pollution may be as harmful to the heart as sustained high levels, according to research published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology,1 a…
Lithium in water associated with slower rate of Alzheimer’s disease deaths
Trace elements of lithium in drinking water can slow death rates from Alzheimer’s disease, Brock University research has found.
Traffic-polluted streets may negate the cardiorespiratory benefits of walking in older adults
Study analysed health impact of a walk through the traffic-polluted Oxford Street in London, compared to Hyde Park. Even short-term (2 hour) exposure to tiny particles of soot…