Family doctor and the critical cases: a practical case
Carelli Francesco , Professor e and elective courses in Family Medicine , University of Milan Censabella Federica , internship student in FM, University of Milan Colosimo Valentina ,…
Lack of communication between hospital and primary care doctors has negative consequences for patients
Francesco Carelli, Professor of Family Medicine, University of Milan and Rome Attilio Giotta, internship graduate doctor, University of Milan Communication between hospital doctors and family doctors is a…
Kurt Schwitters in Britain
By Francesco Carelli – Professor FM in Milan and Rome Kurt Schwitters (1887-1948), was one of the major artists of European Modernism. An exhibition at Tate Britain focuses on…
Research in and from primary care
Francesco CarelliProfessor FM in Milan and RomeEURACT Council, Executive Board Although there have been many declarations describing the importance of primary care accepted through the world, the reason…
Academic primary care in Europe: is development still possible?
Francesco Carelli Professor FM in Milan and Rome EURACT Council, Executive Board The function of primary care in the various countries in Europe differs in as far as the structure…