How hope can make you happier with your lot
Having hope for the future could protect people from risky behaviours such as drinking and gambling – according to new research from the University of East Anglia. Researchers…
Interview – Professor Dame Clare Gerada
A Trailblazing Ball-breaker in the UK
Heart disease risk in women increases leading up to menopause; early intervention is key
The menopause transition, the years leading up to menopause, is a time of increasing heart disease risk for women. Monitoring women’s health and lifestyle, while integrating early intervention…
Balla: dynamic effects
By Francesco Carelli – Professor of Family Medicine, Milan Balla was a futurist focusing on topics such as speed, temporality and movement, arriving to leave any figurative reference and…
Age is no barrier to successful weight loss, new study finds
Obese patients over the age of 60 can lose an equivalent amount of weight as younger people using only lifestyle changes, according to a new study from the…