Dali’ – Jewish experience and Freud
Francesco Carelli – University Milan, Rome Which wire ties the surreal world of Salvador Dalì, the Jewish religion and the psychoanalysis of Freud? An interweaving of two graphic…
Ligabue, genius and madness
Francesco Carelli, University Milan , Rome Antonio Ligabue is a self-taught artist. His pictures are childlike and uninhibited, based on instinct. Considered one of the most interesting artists…
Cholesterol & Statins – the controversy continues
Albert Cilia-Vincenti A recent widely publicised Lancet review of statin efficacy and safety data generated more controversy than it resolved.1 Led by Professor Rory Collins of Oxford University,…
An overview of the epidemiology and local health services offered for colorectal cancer – Part I
Kathleen England, Dorianne Farrugia, Dominic Agius, Miriam Dalmas
Metastatic melanoma: how do local treatment options compare with current standards of care?
Interview with Dr Nicholas Refalo – Of all skin cancers, metastatic melanoma is the deadliest form. Early diagnosis allows it to be cured with surgery alone; later presentations considerably limit…