CryoPen treatment videos
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Does this sound familiar ? A patient comes into your practice for treatment of a cold,
but that’s not her biggest health problem. At a glance you can see a spot with actinic keratoses on the temple. The nature of the skin defect may require treatment.
But will you bring up the subject ? CryoPen offers the solution.

The knowledge that in your practice you have the option of an instrument that can handle this treatment extremely accurately, quickly, effectively and with no stress, will allow you to address this imperfection to the patient’s attention.

Please look at the video and see how easy this procedure fits right into the flow of work in your practice.

Actinic Keratoses Treatment Video
Width approx. 6mm, depth 2mm. White applicator, application time 12 seconds.


CryoProbe / CryoPen Instrument Video
Service to patients made easy

Having the CryoPen in your practice may be the added feature for further examination: Verrucae, seborrheic keratoses, skin tags, pigmented spots, condyloma, hemangioma and other relevant lesions will only take seconds of your time.

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