Leonardo da Vinci CEDinGPII

This Leonardo Project was launched  by College of Family Physicians in Polan, ZiZ Education Centre, EURACT, Institute for Development of Family  Medicine ( Slovenia ), Danish College of General Practitioners, Vienna Medical Academy, as partners.

Its aim is the development of  GP / FM teachers competencies appraisal process to ensure greater harmonisation and convergence of the GP teachers competences at the European level by provision of properly evaluated, high quality and formally accepted tools for appraising teachers competences.

Tangible outcomes  are to create a document describing the process of  appraising the level of expertise, a template for use in the appraisal of  portfolios, an electronic portfolio of evidence of teaching performance , a handbook for appraisers.

As key activities there are 2 surveys on current procedures, a review of medical education literature and EURACT Council and Task Force sessions. During EURACT Council meeting in Skopje in April 2014, a specific  task force was created.   In fact there was an experts invitational workshop in Tallinn in May 2014. An Appraisers workshop is  scheduled in Ljubljana in November 2014.  A process will take place to test the overall process.

At experts invitational workshop in Tallinn and following appraisers certification workshop  in Ljubljana these are the main questions to be solved:

– what should be the methodology of overall assessment ?

– what types should be used ?

– who should be potential assessor ?

– how to train assessors ?

– how to ensure/ measure validity and reliability of the assessment ?

– what level of competences should we assess ( Novice – Competent – Proficient – Expert ) ?

–  in how many domains do applicants have to demonstrate that they are expert ? are some more important that others ?

– what are the relevant indicators and criteria for specific competence domains ?

Francesco Carelli – EURACT Council, Executive Board,  BME Committee Chair, Appraiser –  University of Milan, Rome ,  francesco.carelli@alice.it