The management of Breast Cancer has changed dramatically over the years.

Not only has the surgical techniques changed but a team approach is now the rule rather than the exception.

This eLearning video is an interview with Mr Gordon Caruana Dingli.

Mr Caruana Dingli is a Consultant Surgeon and head of the Breast Clinic at Mater Dei Hospital.

He is also deputy chairman of the Department of Surgery and a Senior Lecturer at the University of Malta.

The Breast Clinic has been running for the past fifteen years and adopts a multidisciplinary approach. Doctors who need to refer patients to the Breast Clinic at Mater Dei Hospital are requested to contact on tel 25454573 and provide a referral letter with details of the history and examination and all relevant imaging.

Serious cases are fast tracked to receive prompt diagnosis and treatment.

This eLearning video is supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Da Vinci Health


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