Many older people’s glasses of wrong power
Overall, Swedish 70-year-olds’ eyesight is good, but many could see even better. Six in ten can improve their vision by getting eyeglasses or changing the power of the…
Retinal injury caused by laser pointers
In recent years, a substantial increase in the number of eye injuries caused by laser pointers has been observed, especially in children and adolescents. Birtel and coauthors in…
Statins to help prevent scar tissue in the eye?
According to a Finnish study, statins seems to reduce the risk of repeated surgery in patients who undergo a vitrectomy to treat a detached retina.
Are Soft Contact Lenses Safe for Children? Risks Seem No Higher Than in Adults
Available evidence suggests that soft contact lenses can be safely prescribed to children and adolescents, with no increase in adverse effects compared to adults, according to a…
Age-related Macular Degeneration
Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a degenerative condition affecting the macular area of the retina.