Editorial – Health prIorItIes of the fIrst maltese presIdency of the european council
The presidency of the European Council rotates among the EU member states every 6 months.
TheSynapse Interview – Tattoos – Medical implications and complications
In this interview, we meet Dr. Eileen Clark, a Consultant Dermatologist, who discusses the art of skin tattoos and how best to approach medical complications related with this…
Astonishing Monsters – Apocalypse according to Baj
Francesco Carelli – University Milan, Rome The Italian painter Enrico Baj, born in Milan in 1924, graduated in law while attending Brera Academy, founder of the Nuclear Movement was…
Dali’ – Jewish experience and Freud
Francesco Carelli – University Milan, Rome Which wire ties the surreal world of Salvador Dalì, the Jewish religion and the psychoanalysis of Freud? An interweaving of two graphic…
Ligabue, genius and madness
Francesco Carelli, University Milan , Rome Antonio Ligabue is a self-taught artist. His pictures are childlike and uninhibited, based on instinct. Considered one of the most interesting artists…