Prof. Francesco Carelli

Tempera and watercolours aero painting over Littoria

Pierluigi Bossi was born in 1907, grew up during the 1920s and was inspired by the artistic culture of the time. The 1920s and 1930s saw continued development and evolution of the key innovations of the early years of the twentieth century. To have this time as the formative period for an artist was to be surrounded by incredible practitioners of the visual arts. Pierluigi Bossi, surname Sibò, was an important aero futurist. His main painting are so recognisable and concern mainly the geometric city of Littoria founded by Fascism the Agro Pontino. In 1927, he begin to work as surveyor to the general project for swamp reclamation in Paglia Valley. Meantime, he dedicate himself to his artistic passion, beginning to design architectonic projects in futurist style and aero painting. In 1934, he is nominated Section Head in Littoria, and become friend with another surveyor, Dario Di Gese, he also un futurist. In 1936, sin 3 to 10 of May, he organise and participate to the first Exhibition od Provincial Art of Littoria, managed in Sabaudia. During the opening, he met the founder of futurism, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, who is impressed by his skill and advise him to sign with pseudonym Sibò. His paintings now have high valuations in the national market.